Tak Masuk Notif, Staf WP pUn tak Tahu

Notifikasi WordPress aKU RAPOPOLanjutan masalah : Komentar tak masuk di notifikasi. Cari solusinya tidak ketemu di web atau forum, akhirnya mencoba kontak orang WordPress. Setelah tanya jawab beberapa kali akhirnya Engineer WP meminta untuk mencoba komen atau “like” di web percobaannya:

Hi there,

Could you try commenting on this test post for me?


Feel free to like it too. After you do, let me know here, and I’ll check for the notifications on the administrator’s account.

David | Happiness Engineer | WordPress.com

Akhirnya saya coba : follow komen dan “menyukai”salah satu halaman web percobaan tersebut.

Hi Imam,

Thanks for testing that for me. I did receive an email that you commented, as well as one that you were following.
However, I didn’t receive notifications for either of these activities.

I just made an adjustment to the test site, which should help me confirm whether or not the notifications from your account are working.

Could you try the following for me again?

1) Follow the site. (I removed you as a follower so we could test this again.)
2) Like this post: https://adcwpmeetup.wordpress.com/2014/12/16/test-post-please-comment/
3) Comment on the post.

Just reply here once you’ve done all three and I’ll have another look.

David | Happiness Engineer | WordPress.com

Ternyata hasilnya sama saja, aktivitas saya tidak terdeteksi di dahsboard WordPress, namun masuk di email yang bersangkutan. Saya disuruh mengulangi langkah tersebut sekali lagi, dan hasilnya:

Hi there Imam,

I don’t have an update for you on the website notifications just yet, but I can confirm that the emailed notifications have been working to my test account.
For example, when you commented, liked, and followed the site, I received an email for each one of these activities.

As soon as I have more information for you from our developers, I’ll be sure to let you know here.

David | Happiness Engineer | WordPress.com


Ternyata sami mawon alias masalah tak terpecahkan.

Ya Sudahlah…



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